3 Essentials of great goat housing
Not only does your goat kid’s nutrition need a strong start, but they also need a comfortable environment to live in. These essentials will provide the knowledge you need to make sure your new kid’s home provides just what they need to thrive.
1. Size and spacing
Goat kids will be happy in a 4’ x 4’ pen as long as one side is slated for good ventilation, but adult goats will need 20-25 square feet of clear space each.
2. Suitable bedding
Goats are most comfortable between 55-70 degrees Fahrenheit but can withstand much colder temperatures if they have a thick layer of clean, dry bedding to insulate them from the cold of the ground or floor.
3. Proper ventilation
If you have an open barn, you might consider building panels that can help reduce cold drafts in the winter. In addition to this, ensure adequate ventilation without direct drafts to keep your goats more comfortable as well as reduce moisture, animal odors and gasses that can cause respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia.
To check if your barn has adequate ventilation, check if you can smell ammonia or see if condensation forms on the walls or ceiling. In order to fix this, install windows, fans and inlets around the ceiling perimeter. This will allow cool air from the outside to mix with warm air before coming into contact with your newborn goats.
If your goats are housed together in large pens instead of hitched individually, they will naturally find the spots that are most comfortable to them.
Get more information on kid care and nutrition and be sure to follow My Farm Journey on Facebook and Instagram for additional insights.
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